Given how good this movie and the original trilogy is, I'm shocked how they managed to fumble The Hobbit so bad

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Shout by chair
BlockedParent2016-04-19T23:52:09Z— updated 2016-10-14T14:11:38Z

Every time it's over I feel like I got punched in the fucking heart. And I basically start counting days till I'll be ready to watch it again. There will never be movies more soulful, profound, engaging and gripping with everything from fights and visuals to the deep meaningful connections between the characters and the explorations of grant purposes and philosophical differences. Never. I will love this eternally. I wish I could rate it more than ten. There are movies and then there's Lotr. To be honest I have no fitting words to describe this, no funny remarks or beautiful epithets and definitely no slights. I'm just thankful this exists and I got to experience watching it. I'm out.

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In all of Folklore and fiction; there is no better friend than Samwise Gamgee !

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The books made Tolkien immortal - the movies will do the same for Jackson.

I believe there will never be another movie as grand as these.

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This is my absolute favorite! I wish they would update who is in the cast and crew on here...surely there were more than 7 people in this movie.

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"My friends. You bow to no one."

Best scene? By far the scene at the end were everyone bows to our Hobbit Heroes. Such a great scene. (Should've ended there!)

Anyway the final part of this legendary trilogy is still fantastic and having seen them the past few days at this moment Return of the King is my favorite. The big fights, the ghost army, the stuff with Faramir and Denethor, the way Saruman gets impaled and dragged underwater, Smeagol rocks again, our hero Sam and just everything. It all comes to a great conclusion and for more then 4 hours and never be bored apart for a tiny bit with the prolonged fake endings, it is a epic ending.

Really enjoyed rewatching the adventures in Middle-Earth and I'm seriously thinking about rewatching the Hobbit trilogy for the first time later this year. Going to miss the cinematic Middle Earth for now! Hopefully the Amazon TV Show will be decent enough!

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I know I'm probably the odd one out here, but, though most of the film was a blast, the ending was too pat for me, and it dragged a bit. Other than that, I enjoyed it; I just wish the final chapter or two had been better.

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I loved this movie, but the extended version is just amazing! One of my all time favorites

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Great, epic finale to the trilogy. So many amazing battles.

I am so happy I got to watch the extended editions in the cinema but now I am 99% certain that I prefer the theatrical cuts. When I watch the theatrical cuts I feel a bit more satisfied or something.

I love that our four hobbits get a happy ending, that Sam gets the girl and still needs courage for that after having saved the world. I love Frodo wondering of how to pick up his normal life after such an adventure and just being back in the Shire was such a beautiful moment.

But at the same time the ending didn't hit me as hard as I hoped it would after watching the three movies in a row and being very invested. It could also be that I was just a bit too tired near the end to fully enjoy it.

In any case a near perfect trilogy with a perfect soundtrack.


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Faithful to the book since that too had like 20 moments where it could have ended lol. This is a fantastic movie though.

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A great ending to a great trilogy.

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