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The Night Comes for Us 2018

I watched it for the fight scenes, and while there were certainly enough of them, all but the last two were so monotone I got bored. Seriously, how many times are they going to show one man fighting an entire gang all at the same time where only one gang member at a time attacks the lead actor while the other fighters shuffle their feet in the background like video game characters trapped in a wall?

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Wow that's what I called action movie. Loved it

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Ho. Ly. Shit. Balls. That was absolutely unbelievable. I mean just kick ass through and through and through. If you love The Raid or The Raid 2 you MUST watch this and not only because there are two Raid dudes in it. This movie kicks so much ass!

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Best action film this year. Non stop hardcore action will make your jaw drops. Don't miss this film, you won't regret it.

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An Exhilarating film, with an engaging plot, amazingly choreographed, vigorous action sequences, with just the right amount of gore, and incredible sound design that blends in perfectly.

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The action is good, and the direction is impressive, but because the film is so bloody, it does get kind of wearing after a while. The film is overlong too. Still, none of that matters if you're an action-loving gorehound, but I feel the film would have been better if the plot and action scenes were shorter and snappier!

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Brutal action, brutal fights, blood, a butcher shop in a butcher shop. If you liked The raid 1 and 2, you will love it.

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Julie Estelle steals the show! She's the MVP of this movie!

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Basically an Indonesian John Wick movie, don’t let people tell you this is even remotely close to The Raid. It’s some cool choreography and cinematography surrounded by way too much poorly done B-movie bullshit, at least for my liking. Corny acting & dialogue, tropey & forgettable storytelling, uninteresting characters, a director that doesn’t have a single clue on how to create a compelling scene without violence, a score that thinks it’s way cooler than it is: check, check, check and check. There’s a little more tension compared to Wick because our protagonists feel a touch more vulnerable, the excessive gore is a nice uncommercial touch, and it’s not nearly as heavy on filler as Wick (no boring worldbuilding, thank god), but by the end I still feel like I watched something hollow and empty. I don’t like cheap schlock that takes itself too seriously and doesn’t give a crap about engaging with its audience in a unique way, and this is a prime example of one of those.


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Non-stop gore with dozens of continuity errors, tons of plot armor for self-resurrecting core characters, questionable character decisions, and disappointingly little resolution in the end.

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I had to stand all along the last scene and I finished with a heart bit like I was the one who did the beating.
If you dig action... Oh, wow.

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over ridiculous. broke someone's skull with billiard balls? come on.

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To be honest, I was not expecting it to be that good.
Awesome fight scenes and it was so suspenseful and exciting.
I also like to think that he survived at the end. :)
Would love to watch any other movies similar to this one.

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Gayet iyi izlemeye değer

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