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The Report 2019

Adam Driver turns in yet another quietly brilliant performance as Daniel Jones, the man commissioned to report on the illegalities of the CIA after 9/11. An impassioned film, and one which sheds light on a piece of American history that I hope will never be repeated.

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An important story that was full of information that needs to get out to the public; unfortunately, the execution was very dry and boring. Regardless, it's worth sticking with till the end. A wake-up call for those who don't bother to keep up with current events. Although, I don't think those people will stay with the film till the end. They really should though because it's vitally important. This is Deep State stuff and it's now stronger than ever.

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If you need a wake up call why the two parties are often at odds. It's not necessarily the parties themselves than the psychos that weasel their way into organizations like the FBI, CIA (in this case), and other places where people can abuse power.

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This film is pretty much what you'd expect - it will scare the hell out of you because of how people in power act and the acting is fantastic. Adam Driver really has an amazing run of films going now (including the incredibly unseen Paterson). It's a good watch - hopefully people will give it a chance because of the acting and the story because the story matters a lot. Time and time again we justify behavior and policy under the guise of safety.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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How do you say anything about the movie without being political? I would say those who like it are also the ones who agree with the release and vice versa. For every truth that gets out there are probably ten or more that don't.

For me one of the best movies this year.

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This film made me feel frustrated. I feel it properly conveyed all the obstacles to releasing the truth about government agencies. Even when people know it's the right thing to do. Adam Driver did an excellent job portraying the development of his character as a worker bee, to an emboldened whistleblower and his acting scaled perfectly for the role.

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It might be dense and boring but I found it very interesting and extremely well performed by Driver and Bening. We all know how FBI and CIA stinks is abuse of power and violations to human rights, but seeing a particular case as well filmed as this one is very eye-opening. Of course you know the end: it is published, how else people could've done the film, but it is more because of the process that because of the result.

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Probably too rooted in the theatrical tradition for some, but it does an exceptional job of compacting a massive amount of info into a comprehensible form

More of a procedural drama than a political thriller, The Report could do with a little emotion, and there's no denying that it's very, very talky, perhaps to the extent of being more suited to the stage than the screen. However, irrespective of this, it's a brilliantly acted, unflinching, and insightful look at one of the most shameful moments in US history.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Shout by Mike Shaw
BlockedParent2021-09-17T20:32:19Z— updated 2023-01-22T22:09:50Z

A top-notch drama for political & legal junkies. All others may be bored to tears. For those who get through it, the imperfect (true) ending will also bring you to tears- both for its depiction of the brief glimmers of bipartisan cooperation & reverence for American values, as well as the heartbreaking lack of accountability or remorse from those involved. It's a tough watch, but Adam Driver's stoic performance and the story that it tells makes it a vital one.

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I always loved films based upon true stories.

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this film brings us a report that focuses on unraveling brutal actions and methods of the police to arrest terrorists. it is up to us the question of right or wrong

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Shout by maphiagurl
BlockedParent2020-01-02T04:54:18Z— updated 2023-01-22T13:57:42Z

The depths that government and politicians will go to cover their own asses never ceases to amaze me. You’d think I’d be used to it by now after all I do keep pointing out that absolute power corrupts absolutely. The thing is, though, that it seems to always be the same names, the same set of politicians that want to play by their own rules but not admit that those rules are less than above board, leases moralistic than what society tends to deem appropriate. But maybe not after all we’ve put these people into power. We raised the soldiers that rationalized these deeds. We are all culpable. Frightening.

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A solid political drama. Adam Driver and Annette Being are both great.

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There is something that i don't like about Adam driver, his demeanor, his usually wooden performance, and that's probably the reason i avoided this movie when it first came out.

However the story told here, was important and, even if the film itself was rather slow paced, it's a story worth knowing about. Of course we can hope the mistakes made by the CIA in the aftermath of 9/11 will never happen again, but lets face it, there will always be people in power willing to take the shortcuts, and use torture against their opponent, even in our so called democracy.

Unfortunately, I'm convinced the lessons these people learnt with the release of this report is not "don't do it again" but rather "get better at not getting caught with the hand of the cookie jar".

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Shout by Deleted

Driver is a gem. This movie could have been waaaay less interesting without him.

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Short version of a very long report with the substance omitted.

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