Personal Lists featuring...

The Unknown Woman 2006


Gracias al compañero Richard Pérez por sus recomendaciones.


Todo el mejor cine de la historia


Italian cinema has proved very popular with international audiences, and yet a surprising unfamiliarity remains regarding the rich traditions from which its most fascinating moments arose. Directory of World Cinema: Italy aims to offer a wide film and cultural study in which to situate some of Italian cinema’s key aspects, from political radicalism to opera, and from the arthouse to popular genres. Essays by leading academics about prominent genres, directors and themes provide insight into the cinema of Italy and are bolstered by reviews of significant titles. From silent spectacle to the giallo, the spaghetti western to the neorealist masterworks of Rossellini, this book offers a comprehensive historical sweep of Italian cinema that will appeal to film scholars and cinephiles alike

List import based on the book. Thematic chapters:

  • Silent Cinema
  • Neorealism
  • Melodrama
  • Comedy
  • Giallo
  • Gothic Horror
  • Peplum
  • Spaghetti Western
  • Political Cinema
  • Contemporary Cinema

More information on this is also aviable on!


Giuseppe Tornatore (Bagheria, 27 maggio 1956) è un regista, sceneggiatore, produttore cinematografico e montatore italiano, noto anche per il suo impegno civile, oltre che per diverse pellicole poetiche che hanno riscosso un notevole successo di pubblico in Italia e all'estero.


list auto imported from imdb by on Sat, 16 Dec 2023 14:09:33 UTC


The David di Donatello is an award presented every year by the Academy of Italian Cinema (ACI). This is a list of all the movies that have won the "Best Film" award so far, which is given only to Italian movies since 1970. The list is in chronological order.

