Personal Lists featuring...

The Vampire 1957


Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


Tubi horror. Updated regularly.

Last update: 5/3/2024


Grindhouse movies from 1950 to 1959. Source: The Grindhouse Cinema Database
*Last update 21/11/2023


Horror is one of the most readily dismissed genres from critics and film buffs, yet is, arguably, the genre with the most avid and steadfast niche following and remains popular with the general public. With horror films aiming to terrify, spook, shock, disturb, repulse, amuse, entertain and more, it's no wonder the genre is so varied, divisive and controversial.

With so many people ignoring or simply not understanding horror, many great films slip under the radar and are relatively unknown to an audience outside of hardcore horror fans. In order to counteract this and bring awareness to the greatness of the genre, this list was created.

Compiled using 2,614 lists taken from various critics/polls/magazines/books/websites/forums/horror fans, They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? is intended to be the ultimate canonical top 1000 horror list. Spanning several decades, countries and sub-genres, and using lists from a wide range of people and publications, the resulting list is quite a diverse spread and representation of the best of horror.



En julio de 1994, la revista mexicana SOMOS -con motivo de su número 100- publicó una edición especial dedicada a las 100 mejores películas del cine mexicano. Para realizar la selección, la revista invitó a 25 especialistas en nuestra cinematografía, entre los que destacan críticos como Jorge Ayala Blanco, Nelson Carro y Tomás Pérez Turrent; historiadores de la talla de Eduardo de la Vega Alfaro y Gustavo García; Carlos Monsivais y el propio Gabriel Figueroa.

La lista de SOMOS incluye exclusivamente largometrajes cuya producción haya sido total o mayoritariamente mexicana, de ahí la ausencia de algunas cintas importantes como Viridiana (1961) de Luis Buñuel. El filme más antiguo seleccionado (El automóvil gris) data de 1919 y los más recientes (Cronos y Como agua para chocolate) de 1992.

Hasta el momento, la lista de SOMOS representa el principal esfuerzo de esta naturaleza que se haya hecho sobre el cine mexicano, de ahí su importancia como criterio para la selección de las películas que integran esta filmografía.


Horror featuring vampires. Updated weekly.


Horror featured on Pluto TV. Updated weekly.


Mexican horror. Updated weekly.


Vampiros no Cinema (Vampires in Cinema) is a Versátil's collection that came with 4 genre films.


Horror movies and shows from Spanish-speaking countries.

Argentina, Bolívia, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Espanha, Equador, Guatemala, Guiné Equatorial, Honduras, México, Nicarágua, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, Porto Rico, República Dominicana, Uruguai e Venezuela.
