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Trick the Movie: Last Stage 2014

Wow, what a fantastic final movie to this great series. Hiroshi Abe and Yukie Nakama were just so fun to watch in Trick. It has been years since I saw the series, but at the end of this movie I couldn't help crying a little. Nakama's expressions are so endearing in this, and Abe's charisma is great as always (I'd watch him in anything).

Anyway, I thought this was a fantastic finale, and it certainly feels like it really is 'The Last Stage' based on how they ended the movie. I hope that they decide to make more at some point because I think the series could still be as charming as ever, but if it had to go, I'm glad it went out as it did.

Swiftly, strongly, and completely, I've seen through it all!

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