Personal Lists featuring...

Witchouse 1999


Movies within the genre of horror, sci fi, fantasy or mystery.
Mostly low budget or at least not very well known.
Not all of them are necessarily good, but interesting in their own way if you approach with the right mindset.


Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


Contemporary fears, remakes and some might even say, a reinterpretation of the genre in the later half of the decade.


Relax, it's only magic. Now who's pathetic?


A list of movies from Reciperr, imported using


I tried to avoid movies where the screen time was very short or if the "monster" was just a simple zombie.
