Tony saving Jack and Audrey will always be one of my favourite 24 scenes. I wish I could watch for the first time and be surprised all over again.

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Shout by JasperKazai

How the hell did Tony get there so fast?! He got there in like 7 minutes. In LA traffic, in the middle of the day? No fucking way. Also... isn't he supposed to be in prison? Jack saving the day doesn't erase the fact that Tony committed treason...
Hulu spoiled the fact Tony was in this episode. Even though he's only in it for like 5 seconds and has no lines, they picked that exact spot for the thumbnail. Luckily, I didn't see it ahead of time, but my mom and brother did.

LMAO that guy behind the car took like 4 shots to die. When he was still alive after Jack ran over, I laughed.

There's quite a lot of ridiculous aspects about this Marianne storyline, but I'll just say that it's pretty stupid they're doing yet another "mole in CTU" angle. They are trying to skate by on a technicality because she's not actually working there and is only a consultant, but nah, that doesn't fly.

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