WTF! The sister just turns out to be alive & living in the same homeless camp?!? Just ridiculous. When she first appeared I assumed she was a hallucination.

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The part with the sister was badly written, but why did I expect anything else from Ryan Murphy.

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Wow, how did Liv Tyler get a part in this? The budget is clearly there, not much expense has been spared elsewhere, but then they fly in the face of all that and hire one of the worst actors I’ve ever seen for a leading character role.
The stories are good, well structured, with the right mix of long and short stories, the fire scenes are pretty well set up. The story with liv tylers sister has been awful from the start. It’s just getting wound up now and you can only hope that the producers see this as an opportunity to write Liv out. For every bit that Rob Lowe lifts the show, Liv brings it back down.

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The part with the bus driver was sweet as well as the astronaut talking with his little girl, it was also endearing, and very sad.

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This was a good episode, a lot like the main show, the action and drama was there (even if a lot of it is unbelievable :joy:)
The storylines are lacking so much I feel like they’ve tried to squeeze too much into 10 episodes so it literally took TK like 10 minutes before he made up his mind, and the sister just being in the tent and Liv’s whole reaction was very half-arsed.
But maybe season 2 will be better, I want more episodes like this one

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I'm pretty sure, scientifically, all that happened was so far from realistic, this could basically be the premise of a dystopian novel.

Loved how when everything was going haywire the TV functioned perfectly to give just the right amount of exposition. Ridiculous.

Also, NASA says solar storms don't really affect astronauts inside the space station. It took me all of 10 seconds to Google it. DO BETTER RESEARCH, DAMMIT! Especially if you're gonna misrepresent science.

This show (and the other one too) is so over the top ridiculous, and that's why it'll never be anywhere as good as Chicago Fire. It banks on flashiness and shock value instead of actual good plots. The calls they go one are pretty much always so far fetched it's laughable. And the characters are never very relatable.

I'm not sure how much longer I'll continue watching.

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