Synopsis: When a mishap during rehearsal leads to injury, Austin is in need of a new backup dancer! Several people audition, but, the two best contestants are Roger and Trent. Trish convinces the others to pick Trent...who is turns out is dating her. Ally is happy for her BFF...until she discovers that Trent already has a significant other, and pretended to date Trish just to get a spot in Austin's video! How will Ally break the news to her best friend? Also, Dez voices his adoration for romance movies.

The Good: As usual, this was cute and funny; I had a blast with it.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Crushing and flirting; mildly suggestive dancing.
Nudity: Slight midriff, at worst.
Language: None.
Violence: Comedic pratfalls; an implied injury.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Emotional intensity.

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