This is where Avatar really finds it's stride to me, and that's saying something considering how strong the show was to begin with prior to this moment. There is so much to love here, from the fantastic action sequence that opens the episode to the killer finale, this is brilliant, powerful fantasy storytelling with all of the beautiful imagery you would come to expect from the show. The animation is also a strong highlight here, particularly during the fantastic Roku sequence which is an awe-inspiring moment that allows you to finally realize the true power of an Avatar.

The monks in the temple sequence are also fascinating for how it explores what time will do to citizens of a nation. People aren't inherently good or bad, they choose to be, and that's something we see with a Firebender for the first time as he betrays his monks to help the Avatar. And the show's infighting between the groups of the Fire Nation is important in showcasing this, with Commander Zhao continuing to be an impressively imposing force in terms of his power. A fantastic episode from top to bottom.

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And so we begin the first of many major Avatar visions. First Aangs visions of the comet, then his visions of Avatar Roku in the Spirit World. Like all myth, such as Homer's Epic's when Athena appears to the hero, so Roku appears to Aang- accept in eastern tradution people worship ancestory and past lives more then the west- so nstead of a God apparing it is a past life.

At the end Avatar Roku destroys the temple to the avatar in the Fire Nation. This makes since most of the fire priests had betrayed him. It was like the Avatar as cutting off a cancer on his legacy- destroying the old age with the temple being a physical manifestation of the Old Age.

Most importantly, this episode helps forces Aang to confront his Avatar. Aang is a airbender, and as such has been content to flit about the world on vacation and run away from his duty- procrastination is a weakness of an airhead- but the Fire of the situation Aang is in will make him stop being an airbending whimp and start being an Avatar. Thank God For Hallucinations.

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"I'm ready." — Aang


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8/10 - my boy Appa really clutched on this one, had not been for him they wouldn’t have made it to the temple

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This two parter is mainly ore and exposition but the writers managed to make it fun. Love seeing stuff like people in the firre nation loyal to the avatar plus cool action beats like Aang blasing a flaming canon with his feet.

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Aang stopping that fireball is so epic. I just love cool bending, okay?

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