The pilot has a really nice le Carre feel to it and the settings are pitch-perfect. There's room in my world for Bond and Bourne and Hunt thrillers, but I much prefer understated and realistic espionage set-ups like this one. Unless the writers do something horribly wrong in the next episode or two, I'll be hooked for the duration.

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Has the NSA done this show? spy agencies seems to be heroes on the show whilst whistleblowers seems to be enemies... I don't know if I will like this show.

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Has the NSA done this show? spy agencies seems to be heroes on the show whilst whistleblowers seems to be enemies... I don't know if I will like this show.

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Has the NSA done this show? spy agencies seems to be heroes on the show whilst whistleblowers seems to be enemies... I don't know if I will like this show.

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This really could be something.

The german actors are bad except for Mina Tander (playing Esther Krug). But i guess that is irrelevant for people not having german as their mother tongue.
Storyline seams to be slow building.
So i will pass judgement at a later point (when we have seen 3-4 Episodes).

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