"Long live Rock and Roll, long live RockandRoll..."

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"If you can't buy the art, buy the artist."

Axe is so cynical when it comes to human nature. Paired with a strange indomitable optimism that just refuses to die or be squelched. I appreciate that duality.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Someone bought the painting before Axe's pre-viewing? Gee, I wonder who. C'mon Axe, you're better than that - don't be surprised.

How exactly did Gordy and his friends manage to get their hands on all of that hardware? I know they're rich, but they're still kids, and I imagine any mail coming in would be screened by the school.
I guess Axe's other son was erased from existence. I wonder if they couldn't get the same kid actor, or what.

Going from classic NY pizza to this hipster artsy pizza crap is a massive downgrade. Just because Bruno retired doesn't mean you need to sink down that far.
Also - did you really make your chef drive out to this apartment just to reheat pizza for you? Lol, rich people...

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Wait, they deleted a thread about the virtues of capitalism???

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