Watching this episode brought back memories of when my (then) wife was working for Blockbuster and had to do overnight inventory.
She loved and hated. It was extra pay, but it wiped her out.
(And once, she had to go work at a different store. She did inventory until 3am, then had to go to the other store, open for them at 9 am, and at the end of her shift there, they announced that THAT store was also doing inventory that night. She walked out, after calling the district manager and telling her "Not my regular store; not my responsibility to do THEIR inventory after I did inventory at MY store the night before". )

I was a bit surprised to see one or two titles on the shelves, in DVD format. Especially given how the movie was a streamer more than a disk

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I feel like this show is almost kind of starting to come together. It has all the ingredients of a good show but it just doesn’t come together right. Not sure what it is that’s not working. One thing that constantly annoys me though is that a video store does NOT require that many staff working at the same time!

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Shout by Aars
BlockedParent2022-12-02T05:43:33Z— updated 2022-12-07T06:49:37Z

Carlos and Hannah are some of the worst characters I’ve seen in a sitcom :/
And I was so frustrated with Eliza’s plot line, what a miserable life she has

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Enjoyable enough - but some real big issues in this episode. The "Connie" video Carlos put together was not good... anyone would be aware of that. For Eliza's character to make a major decision in her thought process due to Timmy's decision to watch foreign shows with subtitles, is very telling. But the joke of Eliza, saying "I can't believe a man said sorry is tired.

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