ha ha Elijah Wood !?!?!

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Perfectly good episode of BoJack. I feel like they've hit the point of Futurama's M*A*S*H parody where they're just flipping the switch between irreverent and maudlin. I appreciate the realness of the moments they go for on a pretty ridiculous show, but the tonal whiplash doesn't always work as well as it should. Comedically there was a lot to work with, between the Who Wants To Be a Millionaire-style parody of primetime game shows and Daniel Radcliffe's solidly comedic presence ("Did you say Chadwick Boseman?"). Plus, Wanda's C-story with the tablet was fun for a lark.

For once, I actually didn't really care for the Todd storyline, though the "How I Met Your Mother" fakeout was a big laugh. Otherwise, this had some good material, but the show didn't necessarily bring it all together perfectly.

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The "Elijah Wood" joke totally made this episode 100 times better!

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It was for charity BoJack! Not Daniel's girlfriend!

I feel sorry for BoJack but I'm glad he pushed through for Wanda. The audience, J.D. Salinger and Mr Peanutbutter are clearly insane. But when it got real, I was surprised.

This episode was so honest and dystopian that I was really rooting for BoJack up until Mr Peanutbutter said it.


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“That's the story of how I met...this pen.”

“Elijah Wood?”

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The tv show was ok, but either too or not wtf enough to be great. Though Elijah Wood was a killer. The heavy talk between Bojack and Peanutbutter was not really well used here.
Todd was useless, but JD Salinger and the mouse were great characters. No Diane at all though ?
I don't care much for Diane as a girlfriend, but at work she is great.

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