Ugh this entire series leaves me chilled - but this heavy.

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The spaghetti strainers were put to use! At last! That was definitely a fun surprise!... But then, every time they did a flashback of Sarah Lynn, I just felt like crying. And, yes, I know, she's just a cartoon character. But... She's gone. Sigh!

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OK, so the spaghetti strainers thing was a long time coming, but that was worth it.

I gotta say Bojack is a lot more ok than I expected, not sure how I feel about that.

We finally know what Todd's deal was. The 8M tip bit was hmmm weird I guess.

Nice introduction for next season's storyline (Governor Peanutbutter, Diane's new job that will force her to write bad things about him and they will clash, Bojack's secret daughter that was hinted during the abortion episode). Not a big fan if Bojack goes out to find his redemption in running though, that totally ruined the car scene.

Glad that Judah's back !

Season 2 finale didn't look like a finale because it was expediting all storylines. This one doesn't either because it has gone past that, it's mostly a teaser for the next one.

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Loves that the spaghetti drainer was finally used. On a more serious note, Bojack Horseman is a fantastic show that portrays depression very well in my opinion. Bojack is a truly flawed person (or horse I guess) and this is just such a real and touching show while also bringing me some chuckles and make me forget about all the problems in my own life.

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Can confirm. Was definitely depressing.

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