Shout by noelct

A strong dramatic episode as Topanga learns her family has to quickly move away. While Corey does at times devolve into his juvenile petulance of trying to deny reality, I like that it's an episode that confronts him about it, even leaving him on a note of consequence of added pain caused by his own stubbornness. Him and Eric shoving Shawn around is a bit much and it doesn't quite land how oblique the communication is, but I like that even Eric gets to take a more dramatic turn. Feeny and the parents are well used. The Romeo & Juliet bit is nicely done. Topanga's conflict is well handled, even if too much of the situation is just from Corey's perspective. It would have been nice to feature her parents instead of keep them mysteriously off screen. Still, a very mature and intelligent episode. Eager to revisit the second half.

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