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Bull: Season 5

5x08 Cloak and Beaker

The masks are just so stupid, and worst of all, inconsistent. I am very glad this season is over. Hopefully it gets canceled.

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Shout by Marc Friedolin

"Nothing digital ever disappears completly"...

Its ok that Bull thinks that, since its close to "You can't delete something completly from the internet". Taylor should actually know that there is a HUGE difference between the internet and a secure internal network.
Scrubbing something from a secure network is not a problem at all if you have the proper clearances and the storage is local and not on something like AWS.
With todays hardware and density on HDDs its actually easier to complelty erase something than it was a decade ago.
And companies with the main purpose of R&D, especially in pharma are VERY likely to keep their files confidential and secure - not just when they are doing something illegal or shady.

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