Jeffrey shut the hell up challenge. That bodyshaming "critique" was so weird.

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I feel upset and sad after watching this episode! This show has always being very helpful to a lot of people to find beauty in themselves but when someone part of the "judges" says to a queen she should not show her ass just because he didn't find it "beautiful" or doesn't fit his "beauty standards" I feel sad, this type of person should never have the "right" to say this things ever, not even on a TV show.
On the other side, I tought I was being biased but after this call me delusional but they make it too obvious the whole competition was set up for Rita to win, there is no way she could've won againts Jimbo and I'm not even gonna say what JBC said to Jimbo, can we just cancel him?

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I'm sorry to Tom Green, idk who he is but that shit with calling your mother and the wind and the wings... honey, who cares

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