Maggie's def my favorite.& I'm glad they're still using her superficial ex-sorority sister for plotlines.

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I'm really glad that the show's plot is moving forward, definitely didn't expect Macy to be a demon .
I have the biggest crush on Niko, that woman does things to me, if you choose Jada over her, can I have her, Mel? I am looking forward to Niko's storyline, she's catching up to the magical world (!!), finally, her knowing about the magic makes so much more sense than Galvin , I wonder if she will gain her memories back one day.

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If they're in Manchester then why is Big Ben chiming in the background?! London ≠ all of England!

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I love the developing friendship between Mel and Harry - and their respective character development and personal growth. Just at about 8-10 episodes ago Mel was very suspicious and skeptical about Harry and actively avoiding him. And he was also not the most understanding person to her and not really making this thing easy with her. And now! They show emotions in front of each other! It may be such a stupid subplot on paper but the actors and their characters really sold the short trip over to England and tied that end in a very nice way. In other news - I'm glad things are on their way back to normal.

Very intrigued about both that Niko development and Macy's other side. Not a fan of that Parker/Maggie will they/won't they...but alas, can't have a perfect show.

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