and of course the phone saved the lol. crappy shit.

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While this episode was luckily a lot less preachy than the pilot, it did little to reinforce my trust in the remake. Instead of giving the girls the time to explore their newfound powers and sisterhood it gets crammed with episodic fantasy stuff that CW shows apparently require. Them behaving very random and frankly stupid also didn't help it (was close to turning it off). I'll gladly welcome a Charmed reboot in my TV schedule but if this is all we can settle for then I'm going to drop this sooner than later.

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Just like episode one this feels like they're doing things for the sake of doing it. I spent so much time cringing at the bad acting and the forced social issues.

Feeling more and more like this remake is only here to show how awesome phones are now and to have a lesbian and non white female actors.

Anyone else notice that in this episode a phone saved the day and in the last episode their phones were everywhere?

It feels like the brief wasn't "make a charmed remake" it was "make a remake of any show but make sure we address x, y and z"

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-10-22T21:54:24Z— updated 2018-11-07T15:52:16Z

Last week the demon looked like something from Game of Thrones. This week the Venom symbiote makes an appearance lol.
Still, I think the people giving it 3-4 are being too hard on it. The first episode was too feminist and preachy. However not even close to how much Supergirl is.
The show is more watchable than people will admit. This one one especially kept my attention throughout. It’s not bad if you get over that it was only made because none of the original girls were black or a lesbian.

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so does anyone belive the detective is a detective?

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Shout by Ana

A bit better than the first one and I think Harry is actually starting to grow on me.

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Shout by ParrisBlood

Not as good as the first episode, but a nice paced one all the same. Anyone hoping for Charmed a la the 90s needs to let that go. As I remember it, the original Charmed wasn't all amazing episode after amazing episode. We placed our own loving thoughts upon those episodes in hindsight. It was an amazing show for what it was, but I'm not sure what anyone is expecting with THIS current iteration of Charmed. New era, new generation, same old clunky, witchy goodness.

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