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Chicago Fire: Season 5

5x20 Carry Me

Kelly has the absolute worst luck when it comes to women. It's so sad.

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Wow, this was some sad shit but one hell of an episode!

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I'm crying like a baby, that was hard...

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Why can't they let Severide be happy? The man has been through enough, i was really hoping this would be his lucky break. I know happy couples dont make good TV but still he doesnt need to go through all of this!

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Shout by JasperKazai

Punished Severide. He's apparently not allowed to be happy for more than a handful of episodes.
There's no way a loving father would leave the room during his daughter's final moments so the boyfriend of only a few months can be alone with her.

Stella making fun of the fact that so many people of 51 live together was funny. There was a valid point brought up that's somewhat odd - Otis said it - how Sylvie was in a relationship with Cruz, and went on a date with Otis. That would make for a very awkward living arrangement, I'd think.

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God that boring and predictable.

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Severide deserves some happiness in his life, for once! It's bad enough that every single love interest he's had has died or been written off in some way.

Dawsey are cute and we don't get nearly enough of Boden/Donna, Hermann/Cindy, or Mouch/Platt - and there's no knowing if Brettonio will ever happen again - I'm sure the show can definitely have enough room for more than one main longterm / endgame couple if they write it well enough.

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crying !!! like a little girl.

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This was a great episode, and I enjoyed that they mentioned what I believe to be part of the meaning of life - It's about experiences to make memories!

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Get tissues ready for this episode. ;_;

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