i seriously hate Dr Manning, she crosses the lines on her own patients all the time but when someone else asks something of her outside of the box she has to be all moral and shit...Will might've gotten the patient addicted but she defo killed the woman with her actions...Too bad she survived that car crash...i can't wait for her to be gone...so hate her

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Shout by JasperKazai

Joelle Carter was a main cast member on Justice. Other Justice cast members have appeared after Justice was canceled, reprising their roles. But Joelle Carter gets brought back as a completely different character? It was really confusing, lol. The other commenter is incorrect, though - it's not Nagel.
As for the character, no, I don't feel sorry for her. It's not Will's fault that she became an addict. That kid should've been taken away from her earlier.

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I don’t like April, not a bit !
So sad to see Nagel is gone like that

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The episode as such was decent enough but this bullshit about some quick detox to allow that woman to keep her child was just some unbelievable bullshit. It doesn't work like that and no real doctor would ever try anything as stupid as that. There is no quick fix for dependency and whatever dumbass writer that tried to pretend that this was somehow realistic should be fired since he is putting people that are dumb, or desperate, enough to believe in such rubbish in danger.

Dr. Manning was, for once, completely in the right on that one.

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Damn, what a good episode.

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