Shout by JasperKazai

"We can't lock a patient up just because he wants to be internet famous." God, can we, though? That would be amazing. Would get rid of so many narcissistic morons.
He was obviously an idiot, and so is the girlfriend. "They're not trolls, they're our homies." How fucking stupid can you be? The internet provides a layer of removal and anonymity that allows most people to be comfortable in being an asshole. They will vote for the most entertaining option, not the best one. Watching a guy die on a stream would be entertainment to them. They don't care about your livelihood.
But I will give kudos to production for the stream chat. That was a nice touch, and fairly authentic. But I suppose it would need a few slurs thrown in there every now and then to be truly realistic.

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Some dumbass letting idiots on internet vote on medical treatment? Seriously? That was cringe worthy and totally dragged down the episode.

If such idiots really exists then no wonder the US has a senile sock puppet for president.

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