Shout by JasperKazai

Lol, this has the same thumbnail as 6x08.

You used your alcoholic 54 year old mother as a surrogate? ...Are you stupid? Both of those aspects make it a fucking awful idea. That should qualify as child endangerment.

"Pretty good, for a nurse. You should've gone to med school." Wow, can you be more condescending? Lmao

I'm glad they explained Crockett's name, because once he started speaking Farsi, I was like why the hell is his name Crockett Marcel?

All the Chicago shows have had not-so-subtle advertising for Walmart for the past few seasons, but it's always just been showing the bags prominently. Not that intrusive. This Apple sponsorship is really blatant and in-your-face. They keep saying iPad by name (instead just calling it a tablet like they used to), and that bit with the Apple Watches was just... ugh.

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I'm so tired of Will just going off and doing what he feels like with total disrespect for authority or rules.

It doesn't end well as often as the Hollywood hacks wants you to believe.

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This episode seemed more like a prelude for what's to come.

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