I'm waiting for the catastrophy to happen with the girl patient of Dr Charles and his daughter. Will is getting too smug. Someone needs to snap some sense into him. And with what Natalie pulled, I'm not sure she should be practicing medicine. I understand that this is an overdramatized version of what is going on in hospitals, but sometimes it is scary to see what the doctors get away with without any consequence besides a slap on the wrist. I understand that there are grey areas, but what they pulled at the end is illegal on so many levels. If they don't at least try to get someone's license away in the future when they find out I will be very disappointed. Not to mention that she still has no chemistry with Crockett. I hope that April will get her medical license though. She would deserve it.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Yes, it's super obvious that Ramona's father was a pedophile that abused her. They couldn't have telegraphed it more plainly.

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Will is and has been an irresponsible asshole this entire show. I really hope he goes down... hard soon.

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No way would a real hospital allow that nut job to get anywhere near that Dr. At least I wouldn't think so.

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Thenightwolf - I was thinking along the exact same lines
Will is also getting really annoying !

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Thenightwolf - I was thinking along the exact same lines
Will is also getting really annoying !

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I think eventually Will is going to get blamed for Natalie stealing the meds since his name is on it and because of what he has done in the past. It will get found out when Natalie's mother has some issue and it has to come out. Also I think Dr. Charles' daughter is in danger from that patient because his daughter is taking his attention away and she can't "share" him. I'm also taking a stab in the dark here based on various things that were said and current results, but I think that she might have been molested by her own father with her mother gone until she got older and was not of interest to him anymore.

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