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CSI: Vegas: Season 1

1x06 Funhouse

So, we're finally getting somewhere. I hope this doesn't end in a cliffhanger, I want this to be resolved by the end of the season.

Not noticing that those were the killers tears was really weak, though. That screamed to me right when I saw it. Big oversight.

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My Ex LOOOOVES CSI. It was her favorite show. (She use to tell me never die in my sleep while at home. "I will turn our backyard into a body farm, with you as the main subject." She wasnt kidding. )
And my Ex HATED clowns. It was her greatest fear - just the thought of a clown would make her either freeze or lash out in violence, to defend herself. (When we went to Vegas, she refused to go into the main show room at Circus Circus and made us change rooms, so we didnt have a view of ANY clowns).

So, watching an episode of her FAVORITE show, where there is a theme involving her greatest fear - well, needless to say, I sat there, smiling and enjoying every face painted, red nose, rainbow wigged moment....

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