Brilliant. Just freaking brilliant. I don't know what they're smoking in the writers' room, but someone really needs to ensure that they never run out of it. Ever. Not only was this one crazy stupid bonkers in the usual very good way, but it also did an amazing job of revisiting earlier episodes from this season and tying it all together with the current outing while, at the same time, giving some hilarious alternative endings to what we've seen before. Did I mention that this was brilliant?

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Amazing episode, one of my favorites from the entire series IMO so good

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Worst episode of the saga. Definitely should they've been participating in Elseworld... Should be funny to record but it's a really piece of crap.

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SO much fun. Meta sillyness the way only Legends can manage.
Annual crossover slam, custodians of chronology, sirens of space time! (Gideon aka Hard Drive cracked me up). Love how much they mashed the timeline in this one. Also Zari the cat was adorable. Pressing the buttons and comforting John ♥

The show never takes itself seriously but still manages a strong message and solid character development underneath it all. I feel sorry for people that don't 'get' it.

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Taking "screwing things up for the better" to a whole new wormhole x-treme.

Ever so oddly—paradoxically, perhaps?—Legends of Tomorrow seems to perform at its best when it goes full-out timey-wimey wacko.

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Outstanding. Legends is the only show among (or closely related to) the "Arrowverse" that's still worth watching, and primarily because it doesn't take itself too seriously. Where the other shows' writers try - and fail - Legends is just plain, simple fun.

Gideon as "Hard Drive" was perhaps the best part of this episode. Turn the corniness up to 11. I loved every minute.

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That episode was a lot of fun! I'd like to see more of the Sirens of Space Time!

And I love that they seem to have Constantine as regular character now on this show; didn't understand why they cancelled that show ...

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The best episode of this season(maybe all seasons) so far! You laugh, you cry, you smile, you get excited... even though you can guess about the subject and what can happen, it was really an excellent episode!!

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I always look forward to watching the annual crossover, at it is for me, the most anticipated tv event of the year. Consequently, I was pretty bummed out when I found out the Legends weren’t going to be a part of the Elseworlds event.

Turns out they didn’t need it, since this single episode clearly outshines the remaining three from the crossover!!

Also, when the Puppets of Tomorrow appeared, I was kinda hoping they would start singing 'What Does the Fox Say'...

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One of the best parts of this episode is seeing alternate timelines! Seeing the team do differently if certain people aren't around is so much fun to watch AND I'm glad they can undo it as well. Really fun episode and always a pleasure seeing Gideon in her human form!

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This is why I love the Legends :)

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Silly but that's what's this show is about. Disliked the bad Legends. I guess if Sarah was not their moral compass they could end up like that.

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Going a bit off-scale with the crazy!
The Airwolf intro made me veer up but the themesong wasn't authentic enough nor tickled my fancy. The ATeam it was not!
All in all an okay episode but it put this show into a whole other (parodical) dimension.

PS How cute was that cat though!

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Funny episode. Quick parodies of, I think it was The A-Team, and Charlie's Angels...then some DC Puppets of Tomorrow.

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The worst thing I've seen from the DC universe. The script looks like a bunch of lost pages from other seasons. I'm impressed with how much effort they put into using the same actors as different characters and sometimes the timeline is super dangerous, other times fucked up like it's nothing. Anything is possible. They should've stuck with the Crossover instead of this mockery of an episode.

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Whoever wrote this show wasn't sober and I love it

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This is like that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 music video but an entire 40-minute-episode. I don't know how this series is so consistently amazing, but... it is.

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Welcome to DC's Puppets of Tomorrow!

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