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Derry Girls: Season 1

1x03 Episode 3

[7.2/10] A little loony, but still enjoyable. My favorite part is Erin having one over on her mom when she discovers what really happened to Toto. (Which, honestly, is horrible!) The girls faking (or believing) in a miracle to get out of a history exam is an out there premise, but one that works well enough under the circumstances.

That said, the batting-eyed affection and near-worship of Father Peter was a little over the top for my tastes. (Though a faith-questioning Irish priest named Peter who investigates a crying icon, eh? Was this a reference to BallyKissAngel?) Everyone, including James, becoming obsessed with him was a little much.

Still, I got a kick out of the head nun and Erin’s mom both calling B.S. on the whole routine, while the girls revel in the publicity and have everything fall apart over a schoolgirl /crush in the end anyway. This one wasn’t quite as uproariously funny as the first two episodes, but definitely still has its moments.

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I’m liking this show so far, but the acting of the main actress is very distracting.

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Least favorite episode so far; it's quite predictable and feels rushed towards the end. Didn't laugh as many times as in the previous episodes too but there's some fun jokes in this. It's still a pretty good one overall.

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-You gave Toto to Maureen Malarkey?
-Wee Tigger had just passed. She was lonely.
-The chapel! She was there! That dog was Toto!

-Toto was not a shit dog!
-Well, he was no Gypsy.
-Stop it! I'm sick of it. You can't compare every animal you have to the dog you had when you were five years old.
-I can and I will.

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Michelle naming those who would be a dick to Father Peter :joy::joy:

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