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FEUD: Season 2

2x03 Masquerade 1966

What could have been a really interesting episode, ended up really boring and devoid of any real new insight. We the viewers all get it by now that the swans were all pretending to be perfect and happy, and that their lives were one big facade. There's really no reason to rehash this point over and over again, it's just not that interesting. I would like to learn more about Truman's mother, her influence on him, and how it contributed to his love-hate relationship with the swans. I hope there is a lot more of Jessica Lange in future episodes, it's the only thing that can save this snore-fest.

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I loved how they decided to approach the Black and White Ball of 1966 through the documentary side of it all. Loved seeing the Swans believing they all would be the Guest of Honor and then denying it to the cameras…

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