I'm sorry, but this show gets ever more stupid. Now we have an inmate at Threerock that's distributing drugs... and Bode found traces of them in a book that inmate lent someone... so why not immediately go to Perez? Instead he deals with a possible overdose on his own? If he immediately went to Perez he definitely wouldn't have faced consequences (what for?), but trying to hush everything up? How stupid can you be?

And then there's Gabriella - grow up, girl. Utterly poorly written character.

And Sharon apparently doesn't have any kidney issues anymore despite not having received a transplant. Let's not mention the whole Eve subplot which theoretically would be the most serious right now, but sorry, the acting is so bad all around, that I'm more laughing than moved by her issues.

Unless the final episode miraculously turns around the quality level, I'll drop this show.

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Last century on con(+)firefighter .... looks like Boaty has met up with his old nemesis, let's call him, old(+)nemesis(+)con(+)firefighter and the sparks flew.
However, there is a more pressing matter at foot and I'm talking about Root Fires!!! Now besides all the physics of why fires really can't start underground, no oxygen, very moist you know ... for the roots of trees, this is still an ongoing problem even today. So what I do is take my trusty rock with me and whenever I go anywhere, I throw the rock ahead of me and if it doesn't drop into a fire hole, it's OK to proceed. If it does drop into a fire hole, you have the dreaded root fire problem! Beware children .... root fires are NO joke@!@!@

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A new guy joins the group of fire fighter inmates. Of course Bode knows him and doesn’t warn his boss or anyone that he is bad news and a drug dealer.
Which you know will backfire on Bode by the end of the season. He’ll probably get stuck there still and not get Gabby either.
She’ll predictably get with her guy friend she’s been hanging out with, by the end of the season.

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