I absolutely loved most of the first season but the closing moments in the season finale was terrible. It sets up season 2 to be a rinse and repeat of season 1; Bode has to gain the trust of his parents and captain again, after he makes his way to 3 rock.

The show could have continued sit Bode had gotten out and still focused on other three rock crew members. It seems maybe the writers wrote themselves into a corner with the overall plot but time will tell.

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I'm really getting tired of Bodie taking the blame for everything!!!!

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This episode was so predictable as was most of the series the writers should just stay on strike. Very disappointing season finale.

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My fucking god .. cant belive i put up with the entire season.
I dident even see the last 3 minutes and Im defintly not coming back for more sigh

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case of the week - mudslide... was okay, even if the teams worked pretty chaotically.

drama of the week - Bode's failed drug test... Why not test him again? And why, after a year of rapprochement, does Sharon not believe Bode? Granted, there are relapses, of course, but did Bode show any signs for that so far? And that lawyer... honestly, when she turned up at Bode's hearing, I thought she'd ask him to investigate Three Rocks under cover (which would have made the show more interesting), but no, she's of course one of the bad guys/girls and blackmails him. On the other hand, we know what the first part of the next season is going to be about, and I hope she'll get what's coming, postponing an innocent's trial just for blackmail purposes? Urgh.

And Sharon's kidney failure pops up again (why isn't she at some desk but still in the field when collapses are a serious possibility???)... and Vince's brother's going to donate a kidney... soap opera.

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Shout by Tim

Hey, at least they managed to stay predictable until the very end and consistently managed to go in the direction which - I'm assuming - the majority didn't want it to go. Watching the finale genuinely made me angry and the last few scenes solidified my opinion that the show is on a downwards trend it may not be able to recover from so easily.

Kept sitting in front of the screen, saying to myself "this isn't/can't/shouldn't be happening" because it's predictable, lazy storytelling, leaving the viewers dissatisfied with obvious resolutions while desiring the opposite; or really, anything but what we've been served here.

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Shout by Jim222001

This is so hard to watch. Manny is an idiot and you know Bode’s parents will treat him like an a drug addict too. Manny knew what Bode went through with Sleeper but boo hoo, Bode broke his heart.
Then we will have a season 2 to look forward to. Where no one trusts Bode or believes him.

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How utterly stupid and unoriginal this show is becoming.

They should seriously try some new tactics these show-writers. Because everything they
Are pumping out these days is utterly unoriginal garbage.
The show started out promising ended as a bellyflop.
So sad.

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I really wanted to like this series, but seriously, the whole Body deal was a little hard to swallow. So annoying and ridiculous. Won’t be back for season 2 :confused:

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Midnight on the series finale of con<:>firefighter .... In this episode we learn now many refrigerators you can find in a mud slide ... answer ...42! Now, like Jesus ... Boaty will confess for all sins of now and future con<:>firefighters so they may walk free. Of course Boaty is stripped of his title of con<:>firefighter to ex<:>con<:>firefighter and will live the rest of is life in solitude.

This series was absolutely awful! As the great admiral Kirk once said .............coooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn<:>firefighter!!

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bad predictable writing episode to episode sprinkled with a little bit of oak dust with all these riders can do these days

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