I was so not ready for Kate Littlejohn’s emotions.

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Interesting development of characters during this whole first season. The episode was good too, I'll say. I wonder, though, will there be a second season?

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Knox, you fool. I wonder if the actor is leaving the show or if he'll end up turning down the position and going back.

Also, I was surprised at how emotional Kate got. She likes likes him, huh?

And Britt needs to chill out in her court scenes. She's being way over the top, over-dramatic and overemotional. Dial it back, girl. Only closing arguments should be like that.

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Knox, you fool. I wonder if the actor is leaving the show or if he'll end up turning down the position and going back.

Also, I was surprised at how emotional Kate got. She likes likes him, huh?

And Britt needs to chill out in her court scenes. She's being way over the top, over-dramatic and overemotional. Dial it back, girl. Only closing arguments should be like that.

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