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Gargoyles: Season 3

3x05 A Bronx Tail


Shout by Andrew Bloom

[5.8/10] “A Bronx Tale” is never actively bad. It’s just a big waste of time. There’s plenty of plot and emotional catharsis to be wrung from a beloved pet getting lost. (Hello Avatar: The Last Airbender fans!). But this ain’t it.

Likewise, I was honestly intrigued by the prospect of the gargoyles interacting with the aMish of Pennsylvania. But we never really get that. We just get an AMish moppet interacting with his surprise pet monster dog and yearning to see more of life beyond his community. Could you do something with that? Of course, but “A Bronx Tale’ just hits the standard beats for this “boy and his dog” story and moves on.

I’ll confess to having my heartstrings tugged when it looked like Bronx was going to sink beneath the frozen waters. I knew it was schmuck bait, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for animals, But that’s about the only time this episode elicited anything other than a yawn from me.

There’s something to this little kid seeing the good in the gargoyles and saying so on T.V. to a gargoyle-fearing public. Otherwise, this may be the least essential Gargoyles episode yet.

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