After almost three years, this is finally back! Still love its fast-paced, borderline screwball plotting, and hadn't realized how much I miss Suranne Jones' full-steam walk towards any obstacle in her character's path. I think I almost gasped along with the household staff at "Cheapstake", and the scene afterwards with her unconsciously scaring others while holding a gun is so funny.

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Strong season opener showing us not everything was wrapped up as perfectly as we thought.

I shouted Anne's name out loud when she dared say she wasn't sure about her feelings for Ann. I really think she's fooling herself there!

Made me laugh when she asked why the staff were scared of her as she loaded a gun. Such a great character.

And that final moment with Mariana's look to the camera tells us what the focus will be this season. I'm here for the drama!

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i get walker's indesiciveness, its been a long way since before she dates lister but i also got annoyed with lister's eagerness, for good intent of course, but she tends to do things her way without asking anyone which was selfish of her

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I remember Anne having major flaws, but I don't remember her being as unlikeable as she is in this episode. I'm also struggling to remember why I wanted her and Ann to be together. Maybe I should have rewatched the first season before beginning this one, it's been years after all.

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