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Hanna: Season 1

1x04 Father

For someone who has spent only a few days in civilization, Hanna displays far too much knowledge of how everything works in this episode. -1 for that.

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Four episodes in and my interest still hasn't been captured fully. And it still doesn't feel like there's a bigger story at play. There have been a couple of mentions of Utrax which is apparently a project/operation, probably off-the-books, of the CIA, but that's it. Everything else that's happened up to this point felt pointless. Hopefully, it starts to pick up and actually feel like there's a proper story behind it all instead of a bunch of random, pointless things put together.

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Some pacing issues (that come dangerously close to padding) hurt this one, as does a late development. Specifically, how does Dieter know exactly where to go to rescue Erik on the perimeter of the airfield?

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This is a ridiculous episode.
Totally ridiculous.

First 3 episodes het ‘father’ was very smart and in control, suddenly he has become a total jack ass.
Hanna seems to have gotten all his wit, and some. She knows more than possible, about things she didn’t know existed.
But then doing incredibly stupid things, that’s being a kid I guess?
The bitch surviving, the father’s rescue and Hanna suddenly and miraculously on the truck to the UK is beyond ridiculous.
This episode is completely far below the level of the first 3 episodes.
It below “The A-team” level. Very VERY disappointing.

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Things are going slow, see how it follows

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