There's no way Pilgrim, his people who have the Gift, and M.K. will win against the Abbots and the Master. It will be a clear plot convenience if they ended up winning which I slightly think will happen.

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The Widow bonding with Bajie was both weird and cute.
I miss the days when people with dark eyes were someone to truly fear and were really, really rare in this show. Nowadays, you're a freak if you don't have dark eyes, because everyone seems to be rocking a pair of those.
Also, Sunny vs. The Widow, fucking finally!

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The Widow again changed shoes between cuts. Same thing in the precedent episodes. Maybe heels were a bad idea from the start in a post-apocalyptic world...

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Shout by Jessi

Sonny should’ve killed MK”s ass! That rebar in the back wasn’t enough!

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