It's another encounter with Dr. Zin. He's got another hair-brained scheme that's making the locals a little nervous, so they call in the Quests to help. Seems Zin is developing a weapon, a volcano, that he wants to sell to the highest bidder. I'm not sure how the volcano gets moved to whoever pays for it, but he's a great criminal mind so we just have to take this at face value.

In the meantime, Zin has also developed some neat "flying platforms" that his henchmen use to defend his volcano project. The platforms out maneuver cars and motorcycles and can out run them, too. I'm not certain why Zin doesn't just market those and make his cash. Zin makes the fatal error of not just putting a bullet in Race and Dr. Quest and they escape and put an end to his science project. Dr. Zin will never win if he keeps that up. Race is too much of a bad ass.

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