There are more convenient occurrences and character entrances than can be counted in "Double Danger". Race Bannon's double, created by Doctor Zin, has captured Race and takes his place with Benton Quest and the boys. But Johnny and Hadji notice that Race is acting strangely. Then an old flame of Race's named Jane drops in out of nowhere to save the real Race.

For an evil Genius, Doctor Zin sure is poor at hiring his henchmen. Jane, Race and the boys escape with little effort. Hadji uses his magic to make the henchman's bullets disappear from his gun. Johnny somehow gets the henchman's knife, which must have been difficult because the henchman was wearing what looked to be only an adult diaper for the entire run time.

The animation is very sloppy in places, primarily in some of the facial expressions and lack of details. I had read that some of the artwork was rushed and outsourced for this episode. If so, it shows. There just a lack of detail in story and artwork. It's not typical of the show.

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