Another solid episode. Thoguh things were a bit rocky for the Tokise koto club given Houzuki's and Kurusu's romantic feelings, the koto club pulled through in the end and gave a beautiful performance. The reunion between Takezo and Mashiro was cute too, im glad Takezo got to meet his old club president, the one who did everythign they could to bring Takezo to nationals, and the one who supported Takezo after he became the solo club member. Im glad Takezo got to showcase his club's performance to her, shwoing Mashiro how far Takezo has come. Also, looks like the romantic tensions are resolved-ish (regarding the awkwardness btwn Chika and Satowa; Kurusu and Takezo), with everyone now, after learnign that Takezo and Kurusu need to win the qualifiers to perform in nationals next year, being focused on trainign hard these 2 months win the qualifiers, and with Kurusu kinda realizing she doesnt need to suppress her feelings for Takezo for the sake of the club, and again understanding that she does have a place in the club.

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