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Kuroko's Basketball 2012

One of he best sport amines I have ever seen .. Totally recommended

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I seriously wish that they would make a season of Teiko school''s past. not the flashback we get but a more in detail full season. it would be awesome.
fav charas would be Kise, Akashi, and Kuroko

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Best sport anime ever

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Sick look. Third season has just been confirmed for the king of basketball anime (sorry Slam Dunk). This is great timing right as the NBA playoffs are getting a bit boring :) I kid, kid.

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It's good, but I think I'm too accustomed to the manga, it didn't really enraptured me.

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This show is currently marked as ended but it has been renewed for a second season.

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty good first season.
Looks like it could run for a long time.

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Shout by Deleted

If you love basketball and animes you'll love this one also!

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Shout by JMM

Pretty awesome first episode, especially if you love sports anime

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