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Law & Order: Season 4

4x19 Sanctuary

This particular episode really bothered me, mainly because of the resounding truth throughout: the defense attorney didn't care anything about her client; she was more interested in turning the city into a racially-charged war zone. With the help of the liberal warmongering media, it seems that anyone these days can turn anything into a racial issue and divide the country. And few are really interested in what's right: they're only interested in what they can get out of the deal. While I love the Law & Order show, there are some episodes that really get under my skin and this was definitely one of those episodes.

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Shout by Ward

Looks at the racial issues realistically. In a rarity, the injustice suffered by white side of the issue is highlighted more here, whereas in most media episodes on this issue it looks more at the injustice suffered by the black side, which is right since the black side is the one that suffers the most injustice. This episode shows that both sides could commit injustices.

The decision at the end of keeping the peace vs justice, i think i would choose justice. Thinking about it now, i am wondering if there would have been a situation/case opposite to this one in the 60s, and the white person would have been mistrialed and the prosecution would not try to retrial for fear of white reprisal.

Stone's comment about black people being responsible for a lot of the racism these days is a heavy line. But i thought it rang hollow for me while having a hint of truth. Maybe this episode highlights the white side too much with that kind of line and how the episode played out, though i don't know what the racial tensions were like in the US in the 90s.

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