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Legacies: Season 1

1x06 Mombie Dearest

I loved this episode, everything with jo was so sweet and i was bailing my eyes out in the end, i also thought the necromancer bit was hilarious, it was sort of a parody on the villain introduction but i think it worked well as a joke.

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I enjoyed this episode. I particularly liked the Jo parts. Whether it is was Jo with Alaric or with the girls. I would have liked more because all the who's going to date who on this show is mostly crap. The Hope and the dumb alpha interactions were good until the spell locked them in.

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Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-12-07T05:00:54Z— updated 2018-12-13T01:01:29Z

Jo is great in concept, but half the episode was sending her away and crying. Her bits with Josie were okay.

The necromancer came across as corny and not scary.

I missed Landon and felt we should have seen him in New Orleans. I hope this isn't going to be like Originals (in their last two seasons) in that they dangle big ideas and feelings in our faces and then stuff them up loosely with the stitches still showing.

The Lizzie, Josie, and Reluctant Alpha bits were good. I liked what Raf said to Hope about sending Landon away and MGs play for Lizzie was tragic in a cute way. I'm getting kinda sick of Penelope, though. And, just wondering, but is Alaric like the only teacher they have, all of them? It's a little funny how we don't see the students in classes with teachers outside of Alaric, his friend, and the counselor.

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And nice the walking dead feeling but this show needs jeremy back :)

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Wow if they make all episodes with great new monster this can better then the other 2 series i mean this is season 1 originals and tvd were not so good when u look back to season 1 ^^

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Easily the best episode so far. The final scene with Josie and Penelope was cute.

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I hate MG. Such a beta soy boy. He's the only character I can't stand.

Josie is my favorite followed by Penelope but I don't want them together romantically. I like Penelope as Josie's bad influence.

Lizzie is OK but she's a very poor Caroline rip-off. Caroline was my all time favorite on Vamp Diaries and Lizzie isn't doing her any justice.

The Necromancer intro was super cheesy. Who ever thought that was a good idea should be fired immediately.

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