Shout by Chandra Prakash
BlockedParent2018-05-14T04:09:32Z— updated 2018-05-19T22:55:43Z

At least give the show good ending, don't just leave it in the middle

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When word first came down about the cancellation, I was kind of okay with it because the Pierce stuff had made the whole thing kind of stale, now I'm super bummed it's not coming back. What a bummer of a cliffhanger.

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Wow, screw you Fox for ending it like that. I give up on Fox. Fans begged for weeks to renew the show and they canceled it anyway.

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Well, fuck you FOX for cancelling this.

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Really, I am sick of Fox too! The show is good. Because of the title I waited for a little while to watch it, and when I did, I really got into it. Seems like the writers can start a show but can't develop the characters as the show goes along.

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God Damn! What a fantastic episode and cliffhanger! Two thumbs up, but to FOX, a big FUCK YOU to you for cancelling this show you deserve a good punch in the face!

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OMG what an ending, i really hope another network will realize the #SaveLucifer and #PickUpLucifer movement! All the actors did such an amazing job with this episode and all 3 seasons, i cant help it but i found the Devil really attractive in the end

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Just when the show finally started going from meh to great, it gets cancelled. Typical.

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If the show has to end at least it does it with a bang that reminds us what was so good in the pilot.

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Best episode of all the seasons, and when I watched it back then it was horrible to know that it was cancelled. Luckily we know now that Netflix did the right thing and picked it up. Can't wait for season 4 especially after meeting Aimee Garcia and got some inside spoilers for next season <3

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I can't wait to see how everything will unfold after this episode now that Chloe has seen Lucifer's devil face.

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Seriouslly... after this ending they cancelled it?!?!?!? It might return for an ending season at least with other company... but man, probably their best show and they decided to cancel it... Just crazy! Loosing all credebillity fox...

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Good cop, bad cop, sad cop thing looool XD

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Wait, THAT'S IT???!!! The season was mediocre but the finale proves that they could have done better. Disappointed....

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A shame this falls within the many shows that didn't get a decent goodbye even though they give one hell of a cliffhanger. If I didn't know better I'd think they did it all on purpose but ofcourse the only grand conspiracy is that money money money.

Lucifer was one of those shows I had more expectations of before I started watching it, kept watching to see if it got to that point and continued watching cause I've grown to like the characters and some of the plottwists. It never lived up to what I saw could be it's potential (bit darker, bit more supernatural, bit more edge) but it was an enjoyable show.

I don't need a 24 episode 4th season to finish it up, I think 6 episodes would do just fine but to leave it as is... It's just blasphemy.

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One of the best tv shows....i'm gonna miss Linda, Maze and Amenadiel...and of course Lucifer....Pierce did a good job as the bad guy, since Smallville where he was the good one.... Fox you suck!!!!!

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A very fitting and satisfying ending to Season Three. Mostly well-written throughout, the Season wasn't afraid to do interesting things with the characters. The last third of the Season was treading water until episodes 23 and 24, where we got a lot of action (especially the short action scene with Lucifer at the end) and some good endings. Fortunately, it his written in such a way that there are almost no loose ends, and this can be a fitting finale, but in my bones I know there's more the creative team can do with these characters - especially if it moves to a network that will let them really delve into Neil Gaiman's Lucifer.

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Tom Welling. The only reason why they cancelled the show. What a horrible actor.

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Series finale, I did not expect that end with cliffhanger, I guess they thought they were going to renew them. Farewell Lucifer and Chloe

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Most of the episode was mediocre, as in the previous one, but the ending was great again. The wings reveal was really emotional and almost made me tear up. Then the fight followed and concluded with what everyone's been expecting to see. Just like the creator said though, the ending was abrupt and in no way suitable as the end of a series. The last season hasn't been really good but I'm still going to miss all the actors. Tom Ellis has never had a lasting role elsewhere so there's no way to fill the gap now.

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Well this sucks! The show was really fun to watch and a lovely cliffhanger for what would have been the next season. Was really getting into it and now it's just gone, sad times :(

The episode itself is still fun to watch as always.

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Join the save Lucifer at #savelucifer campaign

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Shout by paosv

We were waiting for this to happen since forever!! It is extremely sad that they cancelled the show without giving it a proper ending!! Lucifer is a great show, with the right amount of drama, suspense and comedy, it deserves at least 10 more episodes to wrap everything up. #SaveLucifer

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I am never watching a fox show again because what's the point? They don't even respect the fans and the show enough to order a final season to finish the story.

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People should stop watching shows from ABC, FOX, NBC and SYFY because they don't respect the fans.

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Shout by Luci


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Holy shit.. That final scene was some seriously cool filming..

I'm reading al lot of comments about it being canceled after this but we're at almost at season 6 now with now word of its ending yet so I'm guessing they changed their mind or something.. If anyone knows more about this, feel free to enlighten me :)

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Finally. I just hope the useless bean counters don't cancel the show now when Chloe finally has learned the truth.

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Just as it got good... nice to see lucifer kicking some ass.

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Hope Netflix picks this TVShow up. BTW screw you FOX

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The last episode was one of the best in the series. It's a shame it had to end in a cliff hanger like this. Even the CGI was top notch, something that has been the weak spot with Lucifer or any other shows at this budget.

The main culprit for season 3 was 2 poorly written love triangles. I cringed really hard at Amanediel-Linda-Maze scenes in the first few episodes, and as to why the showrunners thought that another love triangle would be a brilliant idea is beyond comprehension. They really should have stuck with 18 Episode seasons if they thought that they didn't have enough good content for 24 episodes, and would have to add fillers that would be detrimental to the series.

I'm surprised that the new DC streaming service isn't picking up the show, since WB wants it to continue.

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No have words

Melhor final, mas seria um maravilhoso recomeço tbm :(

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One of the best tv shows....i'm gonna miss Linda, Maze and Amenadiel...and of course Lucifer....Pierce did a good job as the bad guy, since Smallville where he was the good one.... Fox you suck!!!!!

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