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Lucifer: Season 4

4x05 Expire Erect

Chloe should have just kept a long distance away from Lucifer when he was shot, if she is so smart lol. Wouldn’t he just heal without her around ?
Still, this episode was a lot of fun.

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Love me a good hostage situation! This was a thrilling episode. Ella hopped up on drugs is my favorite thing, I could barely keep up with what she was saying. Also Eve looks like a dark-haired Scarlett Johansson from certain angles. That's a random thought, I know, but it kept coming back to me throughout the episode. She also reminds me of Morena Baccarin a little. And we haven't had a Chloe/Amenadiel interaction in forever! Really great to finally see them share a scene. The comment about Chloe's dad was so sweet. I'm really loving season 4 so far, I can't believe I'm already halfway through.

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Dayum! I haven't had this much fun with a Lucifer episode in a loooong time! Well done, show!
Also, "it's a comfort to know I'll expire erect" has got to be one of the best one-liners with which Mr. Morningstar has graced this series.

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Give a devil a moment to recharge, that was funny XDDD

Too sad that I think Eve is going to hurt Lucifer.

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At the moment the season is going well, the theme of Eva is interesting, to be who you were or who you want to be

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Lots of very good character moments, but the sloppy writing for the hostage scene plus some acting from Eve that felt a little off stopped this episode from being much more than just okay.

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I forgot Eve was the mother of Cain.

Snake costume? Oh, Lord...


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Oh, the Eve.. I’m having an angel baby, I’m guessing it’s just a normal Tuesday for me :joy::joy::joy:

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