While Charlotte was around last season Dan became more reasonable. Now he's back in full on dick mode.

I knew they were going to be bat wings. The season 4 picture spoiled that.

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That douche Dan is ruining every scene he's in.

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Lucifer has a devil and an angel on his shoulders.

I actually yelled "EW!" when their fingers touched. Come on, Ella. I thought you had better standards than that.

For that last reveal, I was hoping they would be blackened, blood-stained, or even set ablaze...


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Yo, this episode gets MAD good!

With the return of Lucifer's wings and Eve pushing the agenda of Father Kinsley's properchy; Netflix is PUSHING this show to something GOOD!

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Why Dan and Ella? Suddenly with no development? One of best episodes except that lazy writing..

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Another great episode! I pictured what Lucifer's wings would look like now just before he revealed them. Det. Douche and Ella? No way, I'm having difficulty seeing them together, I figured that Dan would go back on a rampage with Mazikeen and get into all kinds of trouble, guess that still can happen. I would think that Eve would want revenge against Lucifer for killing her son.

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I'm glad I'm finding other people here who can't see the connection between Dan and Ella. There never was any chemistry between them, so that came quite out of the blue... Maybe they're just trying hard to get every character paired up for whatever reason? Which makes me fear for whom will they pair up Maze with...

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I like Eve and hope Chloe can stop Lucifer going all bad

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Daniel the detective (insult) has returned, for bad

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i truly cannot stand dan, he's always been annoying but season 3 has him worse than ever.

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Rewatching this for the first time in 4 years and forgot mostly everything that wasn't a major plot point or memorable funny/emotional moment. That said, I'm sure the physical repulsion I felt when I saw Ella have a "moment" with Dan is just as intense now as it was then. 10 minutes later, and I still feel a tickle of disgust in my throat...


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Good god, Eve is obnoxious.

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