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Lucifer: Season 4

4x09 Save Lucifer

So Father Kinley is the one fullfilling the prophecy that he was so afraid of. Seems fitting.

What a wild ride this episode was. I loved that in the end the key to undoing Lucifer's transformation wasn't about Chloe accepting him, it wasn't about anyone but himself finally taking a step towards forgiving himself.

Maze singing for Eve was such a lovely gesture, but of course Eve and her obsession with Lucifer ruined everything. Sigh. I thought they were cute together and Maze putting herself out there like that was a huge thing for her.

Welcome to the world, Charlie! Naming him after Charlotte is just too adorable. I hope somebody will tell Amenadiel to stop acting like a dick and plotting to steal his own child.

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maze singing wonderwall for eve.... my gay heart

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Dan finally got a hold of himself, hooray!
Linda giving birth with an angel and a demon by her side was truly poetic, a simple and short but very powerful scene.
This season started a bit rough, but it's been turning itself around the closer it gets to the season finale. Lucifer is definitely getting his mojo back!

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Two take aways:
1. Only Netflix would be smart enough to use Lucifer's devil face/body to represent mental health. It is so common that your mental health gets worse before it can get better. His literally physically manifested as his devil body. Just amazing!
2. I was dying inside watching Maze this episode. I have been Maze. I have been the girl who is so interested in someone who is to blind to notice. That is the worst form of torture which is so ironic.

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-Stop! Hammer time!

haha loved it.

-I can't go downstairs, detective.
-Between my sunglasses, scarf and gloves, I'll look like Stevie Wonder on a snow day.

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Maze develops a crush on anyone who shows her kindness. It's really sad, actually.

What's with nephilims being named Jack?

Eve dressed as Chloe is even creepier than Lucifer's Devil Face.

I really wish they would have done a voice effect for Lucifer. If he can't even control his "mojo", how is he still controlling his charming British accent?

If a hashtag had been at the beginning of this episode title, it would have been a nice reference yo how badly fans wanted this show to continue. Well, just 1 more episode left this season. Hopefully, it won't end on a giant cliffhanger...


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woahhh was shouting at this one so much drama

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Love this show So much !

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Unexpected transformations are scary, even if they are just clothing

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