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Lucifer: Season 6

6x09 Goodbye, Lucifer

Lucifer taking the time to tell everyone how much he appreciates them is definitely one of the highlights of the season. The scene with Maze was sooo emotional. I started sobbing midway through it and had to pause the episode because I couldn't stop. I love their relationship so much and I'm glad Lucifer acknowledged that he hasn't always treated her great. That was a real sign of growth from him. Also setting up a foundation in Ella's name? Who's chopping onions in here?

I hate how they keep sidelining Trixie. She's Chloe's daughter and Rory's sister, and even if she can't know the full truth, she should've been included in the family beach outing. But I also can't be completely mad when Lauren German really looked like an absolute angel in that scene and Deckerstar were at their softest. Just like Rory, I want to keep the mental image of the two of them curled up on the sand, just enjoying each other. Plus, Trixie got her absolutely heart-wrenching scene with Dan, so I suppose it all worked out. The fact that he needed that conversation to get into Heaven was so sweet.

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I've binged all the episodes in 1 sitting. But just this one episode felt much longer than all the previous episodes combined. The scene with Maze & Lucifer, my god was it heavy.

Can't give it a rating of 10, the last scene makes no sense. She is a celestial, he's a mortal, should never be a reason for Lucifer to go.

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„Lezmegadiel“ made me laugh. Nice one. But seriously, Chloe found out she’s pregnant and continues to drink alcohol, you kidding me WB?

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Take out that box of tissues ...

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Oh no... Dan is now Chuck from Supernatural...

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Teary eyes by simply hitting the play button.. I don’t want it to end.. :weary::heart:‍

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I’m confused. Wasn’t he supposed to “disappear” a few years from now, after Rory had been born?

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Dan must be the dumbest character ever. That guy upsets me so much, he even managed to ruin this episode.

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loved this episode but I couldnt help but chuckle to myself watching Lucifer talk to "Dan" when the actor played god in another show it was just funny to me

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Okay, this episode definitely had its moment and I enjoyed seeing Maze getting to act properly for once but… wth?
1. Since when isn’t Trixie family? I for sure would NOT consider having a baby by a person who didn’t acknowledge my already born child.
2. Eh… leaving LeMec by Trixie just feels like sloppy writing and something Dan would NEVER do.

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"Lezmagadiel"? Really?

"Check in on Father Frank" is on Lucifer's to-do list. That's precious. I wish we could have seen it.

"Team Free Will." The references are starting to get tiring now.
What's going on with Tom's makeup? He looks like someone peed around his eyes and mouth.

That was the longest day ever. The sun had to be out for at least 20 hours.

Love how Lucifer didn't even consider saying goodbye to Trixie. Or how Chloe didn't consider it at all when Lucifer asked if she wanted to spend the day with him and their daughter. It's like they stopped caring about her once her voice started to drop. On a side note, Maze taught her well.

Why the HELL would Dan leave for heaven and let a murderer remain right by his kid?

I guess the panic room is a TARDIS because it was definitely bigger on the inside...


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Oh man good reconciliations this episode, but when Dan saw the light, I was like "Oh, shit. If you leave now, with that criminal right next to your daughter...


And yes, seeing "Chuck" is fun.

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