Shout by DAVY X

Well from five episodes in it was all downhill from there. I knew it wasn't going to stick the landing, and boy did it come down hard. Loved the first half could not stand the second half, all that rose BS was dumb and boring has Hella and if this show didn't
bait and switch me before
episode 5 I would have tapped out then.
Anymore Rose nonsense in the future I promise you now I'm having no part of it, this show lost me after episodes 5 anyway, yes them last five minutes seemed like they should have been the 5 episodes after episode 5 but they went with some bull-shit story about Rose and this pointless vortex crap that ultimately went nowhere.
It's going to take something really really special to bring me back for Anymore of this because I've really been put off and bored to Death after episode five and I really don't think I can take anymore of this show that started off amazing then decided to shit in It's own bed and roll in it.

Thank-you but no
I'll See Myself Out.

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Shout by DAVY X

Had my fill of Rose and Jed walker, I was never invested to begin with and to have these last 5 episodes with her in the lead role is painful to have to put up with to say the least. Dream is dragging his feet, I've been saying from the beginning he needs to shut his creation down straight away, but no he just left him for a hole season to do whatever he wills to humanity.
Sorry Dream you dropped the ball with that one,
Should have been stamped out as soon as
you got back to full power.
This second half of the season has been utter bull-crap, a total waste of my time when I could have been watching some of my phenomenal, flawless Masterpieces of shows I have put on hold to grind through this boring dragged out lacklustre Garbage. How did they get it so wrong when they had it so right.

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Shout by DAVY X

Now That I'm totally uninvested in what's going on.
Not liking this half of the season at all, it's boring and completely disjointed.
It was so interesting at the beginning of the show with slick writing and wonderful realms and time periods now the show is just running round in the dark with so little direction it couldn't find it's own ass.
The quality of this once great show has taken a right nosedive, it's like it wants to get cancelled,
At this juncture it wouldn't surprise me if it did.
I can't believe I have to force myself and grind these last two episodes out, something I didn't think I'd have to do with this show but then again after a first great half I didn't think this show would turn Shit either for the second half of the season but here we are.

I really can't be assed with these last 2.
Totally lost all interest, so many Awesome shows out their much more worthy of my time.

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Shout by DAVY X

My least favourite episode,
Been such a solid series
up n till now then boom off we go on one mother fcuking tangent with this vortex whatever going-on's.
Na didn't sit right at all with me this one, it never really felt like it capped off the last story before we start a new series, er sorry episode. This show certainly doesn’t have smooth transitions and this episode came straight from the left field.
(OUT of nowhere).
Only 3 episodes left and I have a feeling it's going to crash and burn as we are on shakey ground already which is such a shame as we've had such a strong and visual treat of a show from the get go...until now.
This episode was just boring and added absolutely nothing to anything connected to what brought me to this dance to begin with.
Now I'm in to far to see myself out.

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Shout by DAVY X

Well this one was a Doozy of an episode, really enjoyed it, but I love all that over time stuff, just like we got in episode one.
Didn't think that would happen again so I was pleasantly surprised to have over time in this episode. Loved the rude to keep a Friend waiting line after being so harsh at the beginning and for the first time I saw a glimmer of personality from Dream as he smiled to deliver the line, something I have been asking for since episode two. Loved big Sis and all that first half then we get that continuation of Dream after for the second half which turned out to be a very very charming lesson not just for Dream but for all of us watching as well.

Superbly written.

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Shout by DAVY X

Yay he's got his stuff back,
Night night Johnny
sleep tight.

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Shout by DAVY X

My second favourite episode since ep1.
This was such a well structured episode and
the pacing was perfect.
I've been waiting for Clara to enter this show and she did not disappoint, she was Awesome in fact and
she even used the same bollocking on Dream as she used on the 12th Doctor, nearly line for line as well. I loved that because that was definitely my Clara. I hope she's not gone for good in this show,
I would love some more Team-up episodes with her and Dream. Loving Mathew by the way, so cool, protect Mathew at all cost.
Right Sand in hand,
Off to Hell we go.

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Shout by DAVY X

A good episode, didn't drag and wasn't boring.
It's all very dramatic though and I would like a little more from our Dream just so I can be more invested
in his going-on's.
"Why so serious"
Like all the time, give me something, anything just so I know he has something else going on in that head
of his. I even heard the actor that plays Dream kept getting told off on set while filming for talking like Batman during in the scenes, which wasn't the style
the director wanted Dream to carrying himself like
are sound like.
(Yeah I can so see that even now still
in his performance).
Them brothers are off their heads, no disfunction
there then. The Gargoyle scenes were very sweet
and sad, even if the cgi wasn't at it's best. A bit of
Baby Yoda cuteness is always good for the feels.
I preferred the first episode but this was cool and definitely has my interest still.
Can't wait for my girl
Clara to enter the fray.

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Shout by DAVY X

Well that was Awesome
Wow how visually stunning was that. I loved the passage of time that was amazing the way they played that out and Dream, he was not messing around while contained, just waiting for that moment.
This episode was so intriguing and I am definitely invested to see more and where this us going.
Let's go get his items back.

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As much as I love the original comics, and as much as I try to convince myself that the adaptation is for TV and shouldn't necessarily come from comics, I am having a hard time dealing with three gay couples in a row. This is not representation, this is agenda-based shoving down our throats gay stuff. Really really really off putting and absolutely not necessary. If you want good representation, the animated show Invincible and heck even The Boys does it really fucking well. Deeply disappointed in this pandering to the left, sad to see good art being tainted with biases and agendas. The fucking falling in love with the hunky gardener just put me off the rails. It's like the sex scene of Batman and Barbara in Killing Joke movie. Nobody fucking asked.

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