Pretty solid watch for Max fans during this month long break we have between Australia and Baku. A very surface level look at everything and the day to day, additionally covering some pivotal moments during the 22 season. Expectedly not really delving too deep into controversies or Jos' "escapades" aside from mentioning his run in with the law - a repeated narrative is that they prefer to look ahead than in the past. Enjoyed the small focus on Sophie's karting days as I can't think of anything else in this format that has delved into her history.

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Not Max Verstappen fans, but we watched it anyway. Pretty good 3-part documentary on Max, his dad Jos and a little bit about his mum. He had an interesting background before joining F1 and deserves to be there. Still not a fan even after watching this because we don't think he's really a likable guy.

Definitely worth watching if you're into motorsports. 8/10

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